Thank you for making the BFB 2012 Fundraiser a success!

It’s official: 2012 BFB Donation $5,267.50 A big thanks to all of the donors for tonight’s silent auction; with your continuing support, much needed infant formula will be filling up the tummies of babies shortly. I am also sending out a very very special thank you to those who braved the cold, the traffic and economic distress to attend and bid so generously tonight!  

New Silent Auction Item: ” Les olives, voltigent “

We may be given a sister painting to this work: ” Les olives, voltigent ” Painting, acrylic, abstract, on 10″ x 20″ canvas. It can be hung horizontally or vertically. Varnished to help protect the colours. The theme for the exposition for the judging was: ”À chacun son rouge. / To each is own red,” The Artist made a list of all kinds of subjects that are red, when it was time to paint, the Artist realized that she didn’t want a red subject; she wanted

Tickets are now in!

Tickets are $25 each, and are now available for purchase either in-person, by delivery, or online. If you purchased your tickets online, please bring your Paypal receipt with you to the Dance and your tickets will be waiting for you at the door.

Grand Prize has been confirmed!

We are very excited to share the news that Baskets for Babies dance and silent auction FINALLY has AIR beneath its wings: A weekend package for 2 to Quebec City or Montreal including round trip airfare and 2 nights accommodations.